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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Morning Affirmations

Good morning my love, how are you? I hope you are having a good week. We are now half way through this week. Its flying by.

I have felt over the past few months that we should and need to start our days off on the right foot and to do this we need to start our daily morning ritual with some morning affirmations. I have put together 16 affirmations for you to feel worthy, good, alive and present.

Another tip you can try is writing them on your daily mirror as then when you are getting dressed in the morning, these affirmations are staring at you and you can feel loved and happy straight away.

Morning Affirmations

1. I am worthy of good things

2. I am loved

3. Life treats me well

4. I smile and the world smiles with me

5. I am kind

6. I am brave

7. Today is a great day

8. I will do what I love to do

9. I feel safe

10. I am healthy

11. I am stronger than I was yesterday

12. I trust I am on the correct path in my life

13. Everything I am looking for I can find within me

14. I let go of all the beliefs that have been holding me back

15. I dream, I believe, I receive

16. I am happy

Let me know your take on them or even give me some to try out by leaving a comment below. I'm always up for trying out new things.

If you have found this post helpful then please share by clicking the image below.

Have a great day

Lots of love xxx

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