There seems to be so many coughs and colds around or beginning to get worse because of the cooler weather which then in turn makes you feel tired, run down and unable to carry out tasks normally.
Todays Wednesday Wellness Tip is to add 1 teaspoon full of Turmeric to your tea or coffee in the mornings or in warm milk before bed. Its benefits include being an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It also helps improve symptoms of depression and arthritis and gets rid of coughs and colds as it increases mucus production, allowing this to come out of the body and ridding it of the toxins from the coughs and colds.
Always wrap up warm in the winter and slow down. Next time you are out in nature, take a look around you and really look at the trees. Each leaf is falling, each tree is turning inward and closing its self off for the winter for it to come back bigger and better next spring. Lets take a leaf out of its book (see what I did there) and be like a tree. What will you implement within your life that you can let go of and come back to it bigger and better next year? Let me know in the comments below. Trees know when its time to slow down and Autumn is their time. Lets start to slow down for winter. Our bodies will thank us for it. Trust me, they will. If you don't, then be prepared to have lots of coughs and colds. Look after yourself. Look after number 1 and you will you then be able to look after others. Trust me, its so true. If you are ill, you then wont be able to look after the people you do or the tasks will become 100 times harder.
Keep well, wrap up warm and be that tree.
Have a great day.
Lots of love xxx