The Most Selfless Thing You Can Do!
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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureGemma

The Most Selfless Thing You Can Do!

Deep Replenishment

Retreat, Rest, Be held

Are you one to have your glass half full or half empty. Are you feeling like you are running on empty. This is a huge area where a lot of people struggle. You cant help others if you are running on empty. So this is the time for you to really nurture and find yourself inside.

Sometimes we feel we need to just keep going but what is really happening is we are feeling run down, low, and cant carry on. This is when we actually crave things from the outside world to fill it. This is our body's instinctive way of reaching for the grounding and nurturing that we are not allowing ourselves.

Bring your soul back to have a huge meaning in your life. What nourishes you? What refuels your body? What makes you feel kind and feel better about yourself? What makes you get excited about life?

Go and find that place for you to refill up your happiness again. That maybe gardening, going for a walk, painting, exercise. Find what that true inner peace means to you and then you will be able to have a fuller glass almost immediately.

When you give yourself time to nourish your body and soul, you then have more to nourish all those around you as there is always more than enough to go around.

Do something that deeply replenishes you today and feel amazing. I'd love to know your thoughts or what you are going to do for your soul today.

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Have a great day.

Lots of love xxx

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