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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Take A Break From Social Media

Updated: Jun 21

Have you noticed you start to feel grumpy, tired and constantly comparing yourself to others when you are feeling low and turn to social media for a pick me up. Have you found that social media does pick you up or is it that you are feeling even lower than before?

I am taking a break from social media this weekend, I'm even deleting Instagram so I'm not tempted to go on it.

Every now and again it's good to come away from the norm and actually be physically and mentally present with the ones you love. So I advise you this weekend to do the same.

Enjoy life, enjoy your loved ones and enjoy being separate from all that is consuming you.

Let me know if you take time off social media by leaving a comment below.

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Have a great day.

Lots of love xxx

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