I was talking to my husband a couple of weeks ago about Self Care and he thought it was all about masturbating. Well he is wrong, well not entirely wrong because yes that is a form of self care but self care is so much more than that. It incorporates wellbeing, nutrition, mindset, meditation, reading, senses, and so much more. Here is a list of 20 activities you can choose from to do for todays Self Care Sunday. You can pick 1 or 5 or 20. The choice is yours and each one you do, write down afterwards how you feel. Let me know in the comments below how you feel and which one you picked. I'll let you know which one I did to.
EasYoga Top 20 Activities To Do For Your Self Care Sunday
1. Relax in the bath with your favourite oils and salts
2. Read a book
3. Walk bare foot in Nature
4. Have a lay in
5. Say No to a friend or family member
6. Light a candle
7. Meditate
8. Journal
9. Move by Yoga, Dance, Exercise
10. Set a positive intention for the day
11. Declutter one room or get rid of non meaningful items
12. Do something that makes you laugh
13. Phone a friend and have an actual conversation
14. Play a game
15. Spend some time gardening
16. Make some Kombucha or bake something
17. Take a nap
18. Spend time with your family away from any devices
19. Drink a cup of green tea/ herbal tea
20. Have fun and laugh, switch off and enjoy the day
Just by adding a few of these into your daily routine, you will have so much more of a clearer mind to carry on and start your week a fresh.
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Have a great day.
Lots of love xxx