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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Self Care Sunday Tip's

Its that time of the week again which always calls for self care Sunday. So what are you going to be doing today that you want to do for yourself? Are you going to go on a cycle ride, run, or just a walk on your own? Are you going to read a book that you've been meaning to for ages? Are you going to have a long bath with candles and read a magazine?

Whatever it might be, just take some time out from your busy day and rest and recoup. I know its really hard if you are anything like me to actually sit down and be quiet for an hour or so but your body needs it. It needs 'Me Time' once a week or even if you can manage it, every day.

Self care is by no means selfish. Studies have shown that you are more productive if you take care of number 1, meaning that you can come from a place of healed rather than a place of stress. Your productive levels in whatever tasks you are doing, will then become easier and you wont feel as stressed as you would do.

Now I know this is really hard for some people but trust me, believe me that I need to do more of this to. I am always putting my family and others before anyone else. I need to take this advice and I am getting better at it but I do need more me time. Its certainly not being selfish.

Also ask for help if you need it. Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. Again I always thought it was but only up until 3 months ago I started asking for help and oh my word, its incredible the amount of stuff you can get help with to make your life that little bit easier.

As a very independent women (and I'm sure you are the same) I always want to do things on my own but then see how that makes you feel. probably stressed, anxious, tired. Yes I know how you feel, so ask for help so you can have a less stressful life and be a lot more productive on the tasks you want to put your heart and soul into.

Happy Self Care Sunday my loves.

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Have a great day and take care.

Lots of love xxx


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