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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Rest, Recharge, Reset

Rest, Recharge, Reset

This is your Sunday evening reminder to Rest, Recharge and Reset ready for your coming week ahead. Close your laptop, snuggle on the sofa, read a book and go to bed early. You need to recharge your batteries for your coming week. Journal your thoughts from your weekend and know whatever this week throws at you you can get through it because you have done everything right this evening.

Just before you go to bed, be in child's pose for 5 minutes as this will lower your heart rate, make you feel calm and lowers your blood pressure.

Come onto all fours, hands under shoulders and knees under hips.

Bring big toes to touch and push the hips backwards towards heels.

Bring forehead to the floor.

Stretch the arms out forwards for a shoulder stretch or hug the heels and droop shoulders over the knees.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Stay here for 5 minutes.

Feel calm, relaxed and happy ready for your sleep. let me know what you will be doing for your rest, recharge and relax Sunday evening by leaving a comment below.

Happy Sunday Evening.

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Have a great evening

Lots of love xxx

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