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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Moonlight Drowns Out All But The Brightest Stars

Updated: Jul 14

Tonight it’s the time of the month where energy peaks, and then releases. What am I talking about? I'm talking about the Full Moon is in our skies tonight and it means this is the perfect time to release all the negative energy and as your body is aligned with your heart chakra which is all about love and forgiveness.

Four Rituals For A Perfect Full Moon Evening

1. Meditate and release all the negative thoughts and feelings you have from within the last month or months or even years. Remember the moon is connected to your heart chakra so all the love and forgiveness is circling around you right now. This is the perfect time to release all this and call in love. Say out loud 'I forgive all those around me' You can do this, just let it be. You are strong and you deserve happiness.

2. Journal your thoughts and get rid of all those negative thoughts and feelings. Write it down. Grab your favourite pen and note book and just start writing. Let it flow. It doesn't have to make any sense, just writing will get rid of all these negative thoughts. Its called a brain dump and it clears your mind to have clarity for the coming month.

3. Light some candles and sit in peace. Breathing, Thinking and Releasing all that no longer serves you. Breathe in through the nose and exhaling out through the mouth, keeping the jaw soft and tongue away from the roof of the mouth. There is a FREE Breathing technique available for you on the ON Demand Yoga Classes so head over by clicking the link HERE.

4. Write down your goals for the next coming month. Enjoy feeling how this will resonate with you and how you will achieve them. Go big or small. Its up to you. Let your intuition guide you.

Let all this go and feel amazing. Happy Full Moon my loves.

Let me know in the comments below, what you will be calling in or letting go of this evening.

Have a great day.

Lots of love xxx


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