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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Being Spontaneous

A few weeks ago my parents had said that they would have the children overnight so we could get our work done easier. For those of you working from home still and trying to juggle school holidays, I feel you. Its hard. So my parents helped out over yesterday and today. Don't get me wrong, I've actually really enjoyed the school holidays (I was dreading it in July when they broke up for the summer) but I had to be super organised and get a lot done before the holidays started as I knew I would be in totally chaos with my business otherwise.

So lets get back to the title of this post - Being Spontaneous. Last night we decided to go out for dinner, because we could. We didn't have to pay a baby sitter so we thought why not. We could have just stayed in and done the normal thing of watching TV or working like we do sometimes in the evening. We actually had couple time and it was lovely. So instead of just thinking we're child free, lets just watch something, we actually went out and had a really nice time. We went to Gars Chinese restaurant in Brighton. It was great.

Now I want to put it into perspective for you. When was the last time you were spontaneous? What did you do? Let me know in the comments below. Or are you one to follow the book and not do anything spontaneous? This could also be relatable in relationships to. Are you spontaneous in the bedroom? Now this could be a big fat yes or a big fat and and either are ok. I know for you, you might have body image issues or not feel confident in the bedroom to just do the Fifty Shades thing and rip each others clothes off (again if you have kids you'll understand this can never happen) but whatever it is, just try and be spontaneous and find that little bit of confidence deep down within you to just do it. Say to yourself 'I can do this, I want to do this' and you will.

So one thing to take away from this post today is no matter what is going on in your life right now or no matter how you feel about things, go grab life by the horns and just Be Spontaneous. It will give you the immediate confidence boost and you will feel incredible.

Let me know in the comments below what your spontaneous thing will be today. I'd love to know.

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