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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

5 Morning Affirmations

This morning in my meditation so many things came up for me to share with you. I always feel guided to share these with you and todays voice was saying share my morning affirmations with you. I have 5 morning affirmations which I say to myself every day in the mirror while I'm brushing my hair. By doing this, it allows you to have more confidence within yourself to go and get life and go and do what you want to do, what you are drawn to be doing.

Todays Affirmations are:

'I am worthy of everything that I own'

'I am loved'

'I am held always by my guides'

'I know what feels right in my life and what doesn't'

'I am happy'

By saying these affirmations out loud, you then start to believe in yourself more and more and each and every thing that you desire, will come to you at its given time. If you are manifesting a relationship, you are worthy of that relationship. If you put in the effort to get there, you will get in when its your chosen time. If you are manifesting your dream career, you will get it when the time is right. you just need to believe in it and it will come.

By choosing to say these affirmations each and every day, it will allow you to be fully present and for these items to come to you.

Let me know in the comments below, what you would choose for your affirmations and what are you manifesting at this moment in time.

By sitting quietly with your thoughts, you will be allowing your mind to be guided easier. You can meditate on this if you like, I have lots of FREE guided sessions over on the On Demand Yoga classes membership area on the website. Click HERE. Go check it out.

If you have found this post helpful, then please share by clicking the image below.

Have a great day.

Lots of love xxx


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