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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Often people ask me what I do...

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Often people ask me what I do, well here are 3 testimonials from 3 lovely ladies who have been through the EasYoga program. This speaks it all.

I just want to share with you a story about Rachel. She is a 31 year old professional working as a journalist for a large health magazine in London.

She was having issues with her relationship. Her dad died 6 years ago and this then changed a lot for her. She knew her biggest problem was communication with her partner. They did not have a very affectionate relationship and she felt all this has stemmed from her dad dying. During the program, she was able to sleep a lot better and get more quality sleep. She felt refreshed the morning after.

Rachel and John had become closer even during the program as had more time for their relationship. They are now happy and even got engaged last week.

Then there’s Tammy

Tammy is a 28 year old primary School Teacher and lives in California. She has an elderly mother who she cares for. She has to get her mothers shopping twice a week. She felt like everything was getting on top of her and needed to sort out her life. At the end of the 10 weeks, she felt like a completely different person.

She was 100% less worried, enjoyed the time she had in the evenings once she had done all her jobs and seen her mum. She felt much calmer. She said she’d definitely recommend this program to anyone who is feeling tired, sluggish and needs a bit of a pick me up and who is struggling with their relationship.

And probably my favourite story is Charlotte

Charlotte and her husband have one child. She works for an energy company. Her job role is to manage 25 people. She was struggling with her time management at work, home life and family life. Her relationship was struggling. When asleep, she grinds her teeth and wears a mouth guard. She is a keen runner and usually doesn’t stretch after her run’s.

By 5 weeks in on the Easyoga program, she had noticed a huge difference in her sleep pattern and also her productive levels at work. Her husband has noticed a huge difference in her to. He said she was a lot less snappy towards him and had more patience. They feel their relationship has a better understanding and outlook now.

Do you know anyone who would benefit from a Discovery Call? Share this blog or get them to contact Gemma.

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Have a blessed day!


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