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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureGemma

Berry Blaster Super Shake

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

For those of you who know me, know that I always love a good Super Food Smoothie. I have a few 'Go To' ones which I will put on here over the coming weeks.

Smoothies are just great at giving you that little health kick you need all in one breakfast or as a snack. Because they contain yogurt, berries, nuts and seeds they are great at giving you that protein and fibre boost.

My first one which I tend to have a lot of is Super Berry Shake. This contains frozen berries and nuts.

Blend up:

1 Cup of Almond Milk or Water

1 Cup of Spinach

1 Scoop of Chocolate or Vanilla Protein Powder

2 Cups of Frozen Berries

2 Tablespoons of Greek Yoghurt

1 Tablespoon of Nuts

1 Teaspoon of Flax Seeds or Chia Seeds

Blend up and pour into a glass and enjoy.

Come back to this whenever you want to. It is great to give as a snack to children to as its fun to make and great nutrition too.

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