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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureGemma

The Real Secret To Avoid Wasting Time On A Councillor!

This Valentines Day, don't think about chocolates and flowers, think about spending time together building that connection to each other working out or doing a Yoga Class together.

The secret to working out with your partner is that is it much more fun and interesting than by doing it on your own and it is also a great mood booster for the both of you. The levels of cortisol (stress hormone) will be a lot higher at the moment and when you move and get more active, your serotonin (happy and calming hormone) increases so you will feel amazing. Plus practicing yoga together will make you feel closer to each other and will also make you flirt more and have more touchy feely presence around you.

So the real secret to this is make time to workout and practice yoga together and then you will be having fun, exercising at the same time and becoming closer to each other if you have lost that spark.

Now I know for a lot of people, they might say that 'I'm not really into yoga, yoga isn't cardio enough for me'. Ok well that's great but find a class that is. There are loads online to choose from but also tailoring it to your needs will be a big help. Vinyasa Flow style yoga is great for cardio and sweating and will burn a lot of calories compared to Hatha Yoga which is gentle stretching but have a go at some and try them out and then see which one fits your needs.

By doing something together, you both will feel amazing, you both will feel the benefits straight away because of your stress hormones decreasing and you both get to spend quality time together. It doesn't have to be an hour, it could be 15 minutes of half an hour. Just time spent together doing something together will feel amazing.

And this will be so amazing at finding that connection again to each of you which you may have lost. Yoga contributes to greater patience and compassion, core characteristics of acting with love and being loved, which radiate out into our relationships and permeates our inner voice.

So have a great Valentines Day and enjoy some actual couple time together building back the energy you have lost through time and life.

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